what are symptoms of high blood pressure in dogs

My family vet i quote "Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common problem in dogs. It can have many causes, and can often be successfully managed with medication. Left untreated, high blood pressure in dogs can go on to cause a range of problems, including heart disease, stroke, and damage to the kidneys or retina.

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Causes of hypertension

Breed specifics and Treatment


Identifying the symptoms of hypertension in dogs 

If your dog displays any of the following signs or symptoms, he may be suffering from high blood pressure. Get him along to your local vet for a check-up.

Lethargy and weakness

Increased drinking and urinating

Blood in the urine 

Protein in the urine 

Nose bleeds 

Heart murmurs

Stroke-like symptoms 

Dilated pupils, or bleeding inside the eyeball 


Seizures or convulsions 

Disorientation, circling or other changes in behaviour 

What causes hypertension in dogs?

High blood pressure isn’t a disease in itself – it’s usually a symptom of an underlying condition. These can include:

Diabetes mellitus

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease) 


Kidney disease


"In most cases hypertension in dogs can be successfully managed, and your dog should go on to enjoy a long and happy life.”

Dog breeds susceptible to high blood pressure 

Some dog breeds are at greater risk of developing hypertension. These include: 




Bichon frise

Australian terrier

Treating high blood pressure in dogs 

If your vet suspects hypertension, he or she may need to do more tests to identify the cause of the underlying condition, so this can be addressed and treated. If the underlying condition is complicated they may refer your dog to a specialist. 

Treatment often involves medication to lower the blood pressure, which can help to avoid any long-term damage. Your vet will usually want to check your dog’s blood pressure every three months.

Find your nearest vet using our Find a Vet page, or speak to a vet online using Online Vets."


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